Monday, August 23, 2010

Zip Lock Bag of Humor

So I texted Mom, asking if she had any favorite resources for cancer humor from when she was kicking her breast cancer's butt. She wrote back, "No, but I did have my zip lock bag of humor :)". "Zip lock bag of humor?" "Yeah, if I started feeling low I could just whip it out and I'd start smirking again. Anything that makes u laugh - put a copy in ur zip lock bag."

Lol! That's brilliant! I ran and grabbed a small zip lock bag and threw in the Mexican wrestling thumb masks I just bought. I'll keep you posted about further additions. :)

I'm still on the search for a really hilarious thyroid cancer t-shirt. But funny is not one size fits all. My favorites so far are DUDE - where's my thyroid? and Cancer Survivor *thyroid not included. But these are really just amusing, not hilarious. There's one t-shirt design out there that's all a bright green and says "Pee on thyroid cancer" and has a drawing of an alien peeing. Honest. I'm fairly certain this references a Radioactive Iodine treatment. I love the inappropriateness of it, but don't really get it. Could someone school me on that one?

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