Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just the Facts, Ma'am!

LJ's Two Month Whirlwind Tour of Medical Appointments En Route to a Thyroidectomy
(Also known as "Can anybody spare a few extra hours of personal leave?")

6/15/10 - Saw new doctor, who recommended thyroid ultrasound.
6/28/10 - Thyroid ultrasound
7/1/10 -  Called in to review ultrasound results with doctor, who ordered biopsy ("fine needle aspiration" or FNA)
Spent a couple weeks collecting ultrasound results, orders, and reports to hand carry to a clinic that accepts my insurance for both the biopsy and the pathology (lab evaluation).
7/28/10 - Biopsy
7/29/10 - Doctor who did the biopsy called.  Papillary thyroid carcinoma.  Evidence of lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Disease).  (Will explain in a later post.)
8/6/10 - Saw surgeon
8/16/10 - Pre-surgery appointment.  EKG (aka human marionette).  Peed in cup.  Gave blood.

Surgery date: Monday, August 30, 2010.  Report to hospital at 8:30am, surgery 10:30am.  Outpatient surgery ("same-day" surgery--no overnight).

Wheeee!  Nothing like a roller coaster ride with reality!

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a timeline.....Hi my name is Jennifer and I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and then sent to have a Ultrasound too and they found a lot of nodules and now have a biopse scheduled for next week and I am scared to death but thanks so much for your blog it really helps.
